By joining the TPA, you will meet many new and interesting people who share your interests. At the monthly luncheon, selected speakers keep members abreast of important current issues concerning taxes, assessments, improvements and developments in Indian River County. Through the TPA’s committee participation, you can contribute personally in the fight to cut tax dollars.
Whenever crucial tax issues arise in Indian River County, the taxpayers as well as the media, seeks guidance from an organization to correct the problem. Invariably, that organization turns out to be the TPA.
The TPA continues to be a vocal opponent to wasteful spending and challenges proposals that way waste your tax dollars.
If you are a taxpayer in Indian River County who wants to prevent unsound increases in taxes, we encourage you to join the TPA.
Attendance to the monthly luncheons meetings is not a requirement of membership, but if you can attend, you will receive an informative report of the Association activities and you will also receive out monthly newsletter. Join the TPA now by completing the application form on the reverse side and mail it with your check to:
Regular Member_______________$26.00
In Person Purchase
In Person Purchase
Golden / Corporate ___________$101.00
In Person Purchase
Lifetime Member _____________$500.00
In Person Purchase
The annual dues membership of any class shall be that specified from time to time by the Board of Directors. Provision for greater support and extension of the work of the TPA is made by the following classes of membership.